Frequently Asked Questions for API Users

1. How should I securely store the API key?

API keys must be stored securely. Do not put raw API keys into your source code! Use environment variables.

Read this: Best Practices for API Key Security

2. How to handle slow requests?

When sending a large document for processing, you may encounter a client-side request timeout error while waiting for the complete response.

You can increase the timeout by adjusting the request_timeout parameter, e.g.:

client = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
    messages=[{ role: user, content: prompt }],

Alternatively, you can use the streaming mode which will send back partial chunks of data as they are processed:

response =
    messages = [
            "role": "user",
            "content": PROMPT

answer = ''
for chunk in response:
    if chunk.choices[0].delta.content is not None:
        answer = answer + chunk.choices[0].delta.content


3. How do I check my key usage?

Assuming the API key is available in your user environment as $CBORG_API_KEY, you can check the current spend with /key/info, e.g.;

curl --location '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer $CBORG_API_KEY'

You can also calculate the estimated cost of an API call, before making the call, using /spend/calculate.

The full API interface is documented here: CBORG API Documentation

LBL-hosted models (anything model name starting with /lbl) are hosted in our on-prem datacenter therefore the cost will always return zero for these models.